All-Ukrainian scientific and practical seminar from the series "Digital initiatives of scientific communication and infometrica diagnostics of scientific documentary flow in the Universities of Ukraine"

April 1, 2016

The all-Ukrainian scientific and practical seminar "Elsevier: search and analysis of scientific articles, publications in rating journals, research activities planning" was held in Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan. This seminar was dedicated to the use of abstracts and analytical database Scopus in order to select the journal for publication and identification of the most important publications upon specific topics; obtaining the full text from ScienceDirect, scientific analysis of trends, selection of partners for collaboration and work with the personal author’s profile, possibility coverage to present the scientific journal in Scopus.
128 participants from Kiev, Kharkov, Lvov, Nikolayev, Mariupol, Zaporozhye, Kremenchug and other cities of Ukraine were registered at the seminar. Audience category is very diverse - scientists, authors, editors of scientific publications, reviewers, librarians.
In the first part of the seminar Loktev A. P. is a consultant on key information solutions of Elsevier S & T in Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, told about the opportunities offered by the publishing company Elsevier - the world's largest publisher of scientific, technical, medical literature and provider of information solutions in the field of science and education.
A. P. Loktev presented products of Elsevier - ScienceDirect, Scopus, SciVal, Mendeley that let improve the performance of specialists’ activities in the field of science, education and a variety of industries.

Informational letter

Loktev A. Using the Scopus abstract database in scientific work  presentation, video

Savelieva, O. Выбор журналов, индексируемых БД Scopus презентація

Photo report



 Вступне слово проректора з наукової роботи Мямліна С. В. Вступне слово директора бібліотеки Колесникової Т. О.Ведучий – Локтев А. П., к.е.н., консультант із ключових інформаційних рішень Elsevier S&T в Україні, Росії, Республіці Біларусь Учасники семінару Учасники семінаруУчасники семінару Учасники семінару Учасники семінару